Friday, December 27, 2024

Birding Galveston and Laffite's Cove Nature Society Preserve

Of all the places we visited, Galveston was our favorite.  The climate was perfectly tempered by the Gulf of Mexico and the birding was productive.  We spent a day on the sand, just decompressing and watching birds though the scope.  Here are Sanderling at the surf's edge.

And a Wilson's Plover.

There was a brackish pond, with some Black-bellied Whistling-Ducks.

We visited Galveston Island State Park and saw Eastern Meadowlark and the Swallow-tailed Flycatcher.

We were given some very good advice, to visit Laffite's Cove Nature Society Preserve.  It had many features that led it to be a very birdy spot.  Indigo Bunting, Orioles, Brown Thrasher, Cattle Egret, and White Ibis.

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